Five Incredible Health Benefits of Camping

When the wilds are calling, which outdoor activity will you choose? We may have preconceived notions about camping – maybe it seems to require a lot of equipment, knowledge of the natural world, or you’re just not sure where to start. Truthfully, with a bit of planning anyone can embrace the experience of outdoor immersion through camping and reap the many benefits of this adventure. Here are five health benefits of camping to inspire your next trip:

Want to get into camping? We’ve recorded a few episodes of the Attempt Adventure Podcast that might help you out:

S1E11: Planning Your First Camping Trip (in the USA) — Attempt Adventure Podcast

S1E13: Essential Camping Gear and Camping Wishlists — Attempt Adventure Podcast

S1E16: Camp Cooking and Tourist Thailand — Attempt Adventure Podcast

1. Reduced Stress

Being immersed in nature for an extended period of time allows moments of quiet to connect to your surroundings. This simple act of being outdoors has shown to enhance psychological health and boost feelings of well-being. Imagine stepping out to a crisp, clear morning surrounded by wilderness and feeling the stress melt away – there really isn’t a substitute for that kind of natural relief and perspective.

2. Restful Sleep

Researchers discovered that going to bed when the sun sets and waking while the sun rises quickly resets a natural sleep-cycle. Performing activities outdoors and sleeping in nature helps produce high quality, restorative sleep by tapping into natural circadian rhythms.

3. Opportunities for Increased Physical Activity

Sure, you could set up camp and sit basking in the sun for the rest of your trip, but why miss out on all the incredible opportunities awaiting you! Camping partners wonderfully with hiking or biking, fishing, swimming, and canoeing – enjoyable activities that also involve exercise and the thrill of a challenge, allowing for both mental and physical stimulation.

4. Improved Focus & Cognitive Capacity

Research has shown that even just 20 minutes connected to nature results in a drop in stress hormones. Consider a trip that combines nature connection with suspended time away from digital screens: increasing the ability to concentrate, retain information, and regulate emotions.

5. Reduced Inflammation

Overnight camping trips lasting at least two nights have been shown to reduce cytokines in the immune system, which are associated with conditions like arthritis, asthma, and Crohn’s disease. It may be the increase in air quality that supports this phenomenon.

The outdoors provides a stage of positive health and inspiration that is simply unparalleled in any other setting. Remember, more time in the outdoors is not a tradeoff. Instead, it is a critical component of developing resilient minds and bodies.

What nature goals are you hoping to accomplish this year?


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