We want your spooky adventure stories! 2022

Hey everyone! As the summer draws to a close, we are very excited to announce our Attempt Adventure Halloween Special 2022!

This year, we are reaching out to all our listeners and friends, and calling on you for your spooky travel and adventure stories! Have you had anything scary, creepy, or unexplained happen to you while traveling or on an adventure? Do you have an interesting Halloween story from a trip or adventure? Stories can be funny or spooky! We’d love to hear them, and just might feature them on our upcoming episode!

Send us your stories at hello@attemptadventure.com with the subject line: Halloween. You can submit your Halloween stories as text or as an audio file! We can’t wait to hear from you, and are super excited about this upcoming episode.

Send in your submissions by the second week of October for a chance to be featured on the show.

Stories could be true crime, paranormal, ghost stories from around the world… really anything that would be fun for a special spooky adventure episode.


Season 3 Coming Soon! (March 2023)


Texas Hill Country Road Trip: Michael’s Third Interview on the Amateur Traveler Podcast